Tapping 'UIPageControl' occur move to next page with paging effect.

When you develop iOS application, probably you saw UIPageViewController (referred to as PageView).

PageView has basically UIPageControl (referred to as controlView) as it’s subview.

If you tapping ControlView you can see PageView change it’s childview(page) to next page.
In my case, used this code to had to display ControlView indicator

view.bringSubview(toFront: UIPageControl)

then ControlView indicator displayed well
But i didn’t know Tapping ‘UIPageControl’ occur paging effect to next page App isn’t complex… so, i add below code simply to prevent in this situation.

UIPageControl.isUserInteractionEnabled = false
UIPageControl.isHidden = false

It’s not bad for you to knowing this infomation in this time. :)